Stoke Hammond Parish Council
Stoke Hammond Parish Council generally meet at the Community Centre, Bragenham Side, Stoke Hammond at 7.30pm on the first Tuesday of each month.
Parish Councillors are elected to represent the villagers of Stoke Hammond and are always keen to hear your views and to help with any issues you might have.
In the first instance please contact us via Kelly Harris, the Parish Clerk. We will get back to you as soon as possible and pass any issues on to the most appropriate authority if we are unable to help. We are always delighted to hear from villagers and visitors alike.
Stoke Hammond's current Parish Councillors are:
Mubasshir Ajaz (Chairman)
Malcom Newing
Craig Champion
Greg Noble
Fran Sharkey
David Venn
Steven Julier
Councillors are volunteers and attend meetings where they represent Stoke Hammond and Newton Leys South at District and County Councils, Local Area Forums, Neighbourhood Action Groups as well as taking advantage of every opportunity to promote Stoke Hammond, Newton Leys South and its interests.
The Parish Council is elected every four years.